

A (11) | B (2) | C (16) | D (9) | E (5) | F (2) | G (7) | H (10) | I (7) | L (1) | M (3) | N (7) | P (19) | Q (2) | R (12) | S (10) | T (1) | V (4)
B cell

Also known as a B lymphocyte, B cells are infection-fighting white blood cells that develop in the bone marrow and spleen. B cells produce antibodies, which are used by the immune system to identify and counteract foreign objects like bacteria and viruses. HIV may damage the B cells’ ability to do their job.

blinded study

A clinical trial in which participants are unaware of who is included in an experimental arm (given an active drug) or control arm (given the placebo) of the study. (See also double-blind study.)