

A (11) | B (2) | C (16) | D (9) | E (5) | F (2) | G (7) | H (10) | I (7) | L (1) | M (3) | N (7) | P (19) | Q (2) | R (12) | S (10) | T (1) | V (4)

Derived from the Greek words for “big” and “eat,” macrophages are a type of disease-fighting white blood cell that engulfs and then destroys foreign invaders, like viruses, and calls other immune system cells to action.

mechanism of action

The way in which a drug or product works. In the case of a microbicide, it is the way in which the active ARV component protects healthy cells from HIV infection.


A natural or man-made substance that kills microbes, most often bacteria or viruses. Researchers are developing microbicides to reduce the transmission of HIV during sexual intercourse.